tiistai 14. tammikuuta 2020

Mnozil Brass concert

Last weekend was filled with music. The still-continuing strike of the public transports made it a little bit more complicated to reach the concerts but a searchers always finds a way. H bought already last July tickets to a concert of Mnozil brass, an Austrian brass septet, that not only plays world-class music but also can sing well and uses comedy as a part of their show. H had introduced me to that group already before we found out that they are coming to Paris, so there was no doubt whether to go and see them on live when got to know about the day before yesterday's chance. I enjoyed the show so much that I cannot imagine what it meant for H or any other brass instrument player in the big audience. The concert hall was a world-class place, too, with fancy decorations both in the lobby and in the concert hall itself. Experiencing this concert was surely worth of the struggle I had with the transport when I realized that the metro I wanted to use didn't work before the afternoon, when the bus was too full to stop to take more people in and when I eventually had to return to take a train to Gare du Nord and walk from there.

For anyone interested in checking them, here is a video that show some of their skills from comedy to being able to play super well while jumping around: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvUfkG0ka4E
Or to see how fast and well they are able to play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLicpT2NfoE

On Saturday I got to enjoy some brass music played by H's band plus two other brass groups that played in Montreuil, west from Paris. Their gig started at 9 pm and was to end something after the midnight, considering having three bands playing. Even without the strike it might be challenging to come back home way after midnight by the public transport, but the situation being what it is, we willingly decided to cycle. (Like it was not enough that I had to cycle to work Monday-Thursday until on Friday the last trains of the day finally left late enough for me to come back home by those.) Luckily the road was not as hilly as my way to work. The music of each band was nice but 4,5 hours in a row is a little bit too long for me especially when getting tired... But anyhow, the weekend filled with music was so great, giving a new boost for the new week! And I have to say that I have started to like brass music more and more, thanks to my husband.

Petit Palais, zoo, gospel concert...

We finally have a moving date, i.e. one-way flight tickets to Finland. Only a couple of weeks left anymore. In addition to selling stuff and...