maanantai 1. huhtikuuta 2019

A new job?

It's been a long time since I wrote last time. There was not much happening in addition to my everyday life at work but now I've got some news to tell. We have talked during the last week with the headmaster of our school when she has told about international "friendship schools" in other countries. She told about the option to transfer to these friendship schools and I cannot deny having thoughts about getting away from Paris. (Yes, Paris is a lovely place to visit, but definitely not a place for me to live in.)

So this morning I spoke again with my boss and she said there would be a position for me starting in September in Tarragona, a beach city in Spain! Doesn't sound bad, right? Now I need to really think it through but what a chance, indeed! To my ear it sounds better than Paris but of course it would mean finding an apartment there, getting used to a new language around me again, just after I started understanding and being able to communicate better in French...

Here's one good thing I will miss when I move out from Paris one day (whether it's to go to Spain after the summer or some other time to move to Finland or some other place): Paris is beautiful. When I have time and energy, there's so much to see and experience in this city with a unique atmosphere! Last weekend I saw some swans in Seine next to Louvre.

Edit: APRIL'S FOOL! SORRY BUT THIS ISN'T TRUE. Except for the last part. There really are some things I'll miss once I move out from here one day.

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