[On Wednesday I enjoyed a little bit later morning because of my free day when I didn't need to wake up around six 'clock. A bit before eight I got up to brush my teeth and that time my land lady remade my morning plans. She told that she had got an invitation to a breakfast and a round-tour for vip customers of Bon Marche shopping centre and she didn't have company to join her yet. I thought that would be a nice change for me so why not. I didn't anything at home since there was an offered (free) breakfast also on the spot but maybe I could have taken something. The service included only cakes and cookies plus something to drink. Though the apple-carrot-ginger juice was good.]
Opastettu kierros tavaratalossa oli (yllätys yllätys) täysin ranskankielellä, joten en ymmärtänyt selostuksesta puoliakaan, mutta kokemus sinänsä oli mielenkiintoinen. Meille ei esitelty eri tuotemerkkejä tai mitään myynnissä olevia esineitä tai vaatteita, vaan kierros tehtiin Pariisin vanhimman tavaratalon kalustosta. Tuntui kuin olisin ollut museossa, kun meille näytettiin ja kerrottiin pöydistä, tuoleista ymv. esineistä, jotka kuuluivat tavaratalon vakikalustukseen jopa 1940-luvulta asti.
[The guided round-tour in the department store was (surprise surprise) completely in French so I didn't understand even half of what they said but the experience itself was interesting. We were not introduced to the brands or anything that was for sale but instead the tour was made about the furniture of the oldest department store in Paris. It felt like being in a museum when we were pointed out and told about tables, chairs etc. things that have been used at the stores even from 1940's.]
Oloni oli virkeä vielä iltapäivälläkin tavatessani jälleen japanilaista kaveriani, tällä kertaa suomalaisen instituutin tiloissa. Illalla kuitenkin juuri ennen nukkumaanmenoa vatsaani alkoi sattua ja vähitellen alkoi myös oksettaa. Nukahtamisesta ei tullut mitään ennen kuin yhdentoista jälkeen kävin viimein oksentamassa. Heti perään laitoin koulumme johtajalle viestiä ja varasin ajan lääkärille. Yöllä oksensin toistamiseen ja torstaina oli todella heikko olo. Seisominenkin oli välillä ongelmallista puhumattakaan lääkärireissusta, jonka aikana nousi kuumekin. Sain sairaslomaa loppuviikon.
[My feeling was lively even in the afternoon when I met again my Japanese friend, this time at the Finnish institute. However, in the evening just before getting to bed my stomach started to hurt and after that feel sick. I wasn't able to fall asleep before I went and vomited after eleven o'clock. Right after that I sent a message to the headmaster of our school and reserved an appointment for a doctor. During the night I vomited again and I felt really weak on Thursday. Even standing was sometimes problematic, not to even mention my trip to the doctor when I got a fever, too. I got sick-leave for the rest of the week.]
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Vuoden nuoren suomalaisen taiteilijan, Andrei Hartikaisen, teoksia. [Art from Andrei Hartikainen, the young Finnish designer of the year.] |
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