[I have already been two weeks in France now. On one hand I have got used to my environment, to hear French and to use the public transportation, but on the other hand it doesn't still feel like I really live in Paris. All this feels more like an adventure than my everyday life. I like a lot the old French buildings that can be found everywhere and not only in the centre area (like in some other big cities) and all seems new and exciting. One can find art in any form much more here than in Finland: musicians and dancers on the streets (musicians especially in the metros), galleries selling paintings, pictures on the walls on the houses... A very nice place to spend time but I should definitely learn more the language.]
Mukavaa "seikkailuelämääni" rutinoittaa raskaalta tuntuva työni. Yhä aamuisin nousen kuuden aikaan ja suunnistan esikoululle, mutta ainakaan tällä hetkellä en voi oikein sanoa nauttivani kyseisestä työstä. Se ottaa enemmän kuin antaa, vaikka lapset välillä ovatkin hellyyttäviä tullessaan antamaan yllätys-halauksen tai puistossa löytämänsä kukan. Viime yö oli ensimmäinen koko viikkoon, kun en herännyt stressaavaan uneen työstäni. Avaan ajatuksiani opettajan työsyä ja muusta elämästäni lisää seuraavassa postauksessani, sillä tämä vapaapäivä menee paljon asioiden hoitamiseen.
[My comfortable "adventure life" gets some routine because of my tough job. In the mornings I wake up around six and head to the preschool but at least at this moment I can't say I enjoy the work there. It takes more than gives even though the children are sometimes very sweet when they surprisingly give me a hug or a flower they found in the park. Last night was the first one in a week when I didn't wake up for a stressing dream about my job. I will open my thoughts about the work and my other life more in my next post because this free day I need to spend to take care of some things.]
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