Minulla on takana nyt viimeisetkin tämän lukukauden työpäivät. Lapsia jäi pois koulusta tipotellen kahden viimeisen viikon aikana, mutta suurin osa oli vielä kanssamme viime perjantain piknikillä. Onhan se leppoisaa ja mukavaa, kun voi keskellä työpäivää mennä puistoon istuskelemaan ja siitä saa vielä palkkaa! Myös illat ovat aina minulle mieluisaa aikaa, kun vanhempiaan odottaa enää muutama lapsi ja minä pääsen olemaan heille enemmän läsnä ja jopa leikkimään heidän kanssaan. Olihan se hieman haikeaa sanoa viimeiset heipat GS-oppilailleni (5-vuotiaat), sillä he eivät välttämättä palaa koulullemme enää ollenkaan. MS-oppilaani (4-vuotiaat) sekä pienemmät näen uudestaan kesän jälkeen. Poikkesin koululla eilen viimeistä kertaa, kun kävin keskustelemassa ensi lukuvuodesta toisen opettajan kanssa. Näyttää siltä, että edessä on vielä lisää kuukausia kaksikielisen esikoulun opettajana.
[All the last days of work for this semester are behind now. There were children dropping out of the classes (to go on a holiday) during the last two weeks but most of them were still with us on our picnic last Friday. I must say it is somewhat nice when you can go to sit in a park in the middle of your working day and you even get paid for that! Also the evenings are pleasant time for me when there are only few kids left waiting for their parents and I get to be more present for them and play with them too. It was a bit sad to say the last goodbyes to my GS pupils (the 5 yo) because they might not come back to our preschool ever again. My MS pupils (the 4 yo) and the smaller ones I will see after the summer again. I stopped by at the school for the last time yesterday when I went to discuss about the next year with another teacher. It seems that I have some more months to come as a teacher at the bilingual preschool.]
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"Voitko tehdä isä-tiikerin ja vauva-tiikerin, kiitos?" "Can you make a daddy tiger and a baby tiger, please?" |
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Suuren määrän suklaata lisäksi sain lahjaksi mukin. In addition to lots of chocolate, I also got a cup as a gift. |
[Now that I have the summer vacation (or in other words, I am unemployed for a couple of months), I have more time to meet new and old acquaintances. Actually I have already met three new CE people, from which one wants to practice especially English and two are willing to learn Finnish language. And for my part, I have got to train my French. For the first time we have spent a meeting so that we speak less than half of the time in English. During the meetings I have not only got to know new people but I have also been in wonderful places. With one of the persons we were sitting in the great landscapes of Parc de Sceaux, with one we enjoyed the summer weather in Jardin du Luxembourg, and with one I got to go to the cafe that my cousin recommended to me already in January but I had completely forgotten about that. The cafe restaurant was nice already from inside with the wooden structures and plants but the real surprise was waiting for me at the backyard. There was a path leading downhills to a garden where there were growing all kind things from herbs to tomatoes, and also the chickens, bunnies and bees had got their own areas.]
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Parc de Sceaux'n laventelitarha [The lavender garden in Parc de Sceaux] |
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Jardin du Luxembourg |
Olen myös nauttinut ja juhlistanut lomani alkua H:n kanssa. Olemme kulkeneet enemmän kaupungilla syöden hyvin ja kävellen joen varrella.
[I have also enjoyed and celebrated the beginning of my vacation with H. We have been going in the city more, having nice food and walking along the river.]
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Ceasar salad |
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On se vaan kaunis iltavalaistuksessa! [It just is beautiful in the evening lights!] |
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