[It happened that my cold that has lasted over a month, sometimes getting better and sometimes getting worse, got worse and worse for some days until it also caused an ear infection to me. My ear that had been itchy already for some days finally gave me a sick-leave when during the night between Monday and Tuesday it was suppurating so much that it kept me awake for hours. At night I booked an appointment for a doctor and in the morning I called the headmaster of our preschool. I explained the situation to her and asked if it is possible for me not to go to work. She answered "not really [possible]" but we both knew it is better for me to stay at home and see a doctor. Because I booked the appointment from doctolib (a local online service to search for doctors) during the same day as I wish to go to the reception, there were not many options. For example, the nice doctor whom I saw a few times last spring was offering times only for Wednesday. I booked an appointment to the only doctor on the 13th district who had free times for Tuesday and who was told to speak also English.]
Yllättäen lähimällä metrollani oli jotakin ongelmia kulkemisessa juuri, kun minun piti mennä lääkäriin, mutta onneksi pääsin ajoissa perille myös ratikkaa ja junaa käyttämällä. Lääkäri vaikutti mukavalta, mutta aluksi hän hieman takelteli puheessaan, kun tajusi, että minä en asioisi ranskaksi. Pian kuitenkin hän hän pääsi enemmän englannin makuun ja huumoriakin löytyi. Olen ollut onnekas paikallisten lääkärien suhteen. Tukkoisen nenäni, yskäni ja korvatulehdukseni lisäksi hän kertoi, että minulla on jokin infektio myös takaraivon hiusrajassani (ei ihmekään, kun sekin alue on kutianut jo jonkin aikaa), joten sain hakea apteekista melkoisen listan tavaraa...
[Suddenly my closest metro had some problems in traffic just when I needed to go to the doctor, but luckily I made it on time by using the tram and train, as well. The doctor seemed very nice but in the beginning he was stammering a bit when he realized I would not communicate in French. Soon his English became more fluent and also used some humor. I have been lucky with local doctors. In addition to my running nose, cough and ear infection he told that I have some kind of infection also in my back of the head (no wonder it has been itchy for some days, too), so I got to get quite a list from the pharmacy...]
Koska työskentelen lasten kanssa, lääkäri kehoitti minua viettämään kotosalla pari päivää ennen töihin paluuta. Koska tänään (keskiviikkona) minulla ei ole töitä muutenkaan, niin hän kirjoitti yhden päivän sairasloman. Mikäs tässä kotona ollessa on ollut, kun olo on aika hyvä kutiavista paikoista ja pienestä yskästä huolimatta. Välillä tuntui jopa hieman syylliseltä oleskella kotona soittamassa koskettimia, kun esikoulullamme kollegani joutuivat varmasti venymään saadakseen päivän kulkemaan ilman minun läsnäoloani. Pienellä yksityisellä koululla kun ei ole oikein mahdollisuuksia sijaisen saamiseksi.
[Because I work with children, the doctor told me to spend a couple of days at home before getting back to work. Because today (Wednesday) I would not work anyway, he gave me one day of sick-leave. It has not been bad to be here at home since I am feeling quite good in despite of the itchy parts and the little cough. Sometimes I even felt a bit guilty for staying at home playing my keyboard when my colleagues at the preschool must have needed to reorganize things to get the day to go well when I am not there. A small private school does not have much of chances to get a substitute teacher when needed.]
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Vapaapäivän ratoksi korvapuusteja! [For my free day I baked korvapuusti (cinnamon rolls)!] |
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Vastapäisestä leipomosta tulee harvoin haettua muuta kuin leipää. [I hardly use the bakery on the opposite side of the street for other reasons than getting bread.] |
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